Incrementality without disintermediating any participant in the current value chain
Technology solutions for the Art Market that put your collector relationships first.
15X Faster
Client Engagement
To create a personalized selection of artworks from multiple galleries.

Access 2,500+ Artworks per Fair
Our database expands what advisors can show their collectors before, during, and after each fair.
Understand your collector with data points
Preference Matching
Your collectors can interact with 10X the artworks you currently share, creating a digital understanding of aesthetic taste.
Solutions for each sell-side market participant
Shed false beliefs of human-lead curation of aesthetic
Interactive feedback loop and experience
Premier Artwork database
Aesthetic preference and recognition drives Artwork ‘Access’
Increase qualified engagements
Expand awareness for Gallery program, style & aesthetics
Grow brand equity among young collectors
Data to support your artist roster
Art Fair
Increase Gallery Sales
Expand Relevant Attendance
Engage Global & Virtual Crowds
Manage Crowd Volumes
Museums & Foundations
Streamline programming and ticket sales
Access private works to curate the perfect show
Expand museum loyalty programming
Enable easy-access to key messaging
Auction Houses & Platforms
Engage Non-Auction House Buyers
Data-Driven Alerts in Real-Time
Drive Consignments as Demand Increases
Direct Private Sales to Active Requests

Join our pilot program
Enter the most exclusive industry with confidence.